segunda-feira, 29 de junho de 2015


1 • The first is to improve health. This is to breathe as often as possible, deep and rhythmic, with well-filled lungs, be outside or looking out a window. Drink in small sips every day, two liters of water, eat lots of fruits, chewing food as perfect as possible, avoid alcohol, snuff and medicine, unless for some reason you were subjected to severe treatment. Bathe daily is a habit that you owe to your own dignity.
2 • Absolutely banish  from your spirit, for many reasons that may exist, any idea of pessimism, resentment, hatred, boredom, sadness, revenge and poverty. 
Run away like the plague of every opportunity to treat people cursing, vicious, vile, murmuring, lazy, gossipy, vain or vulgar and inferior natural baseness of understanding or sensualist topics that form the basis of their speeches or occupations. The observance of this rule is of decisive importance: it’s about changing the spiritual texture of your soul. Is the only way to change your fate, because this depends on our actions and thoughts. The chance does not exist.
3 • Do all the good possible. Help all unhappy people whenever you can, but never have any weaknesses for any person. You take care of your own energies and flee from all sentimentality.
4 • Forget all offense, more over: strive to think well of your greatest enemy. Your soul is a temple that should never be desecrated by hate. All the great beings have been guided by this gentle inner voice, but it won’t speak to you like that all of a sudden, you have to prepare for some time, destroying the overlapping layers of old habits, thoughts and mistakes that weigh on your spirit, which is divine and perfect in itself, but impotent so imperfect vehicle that you offer today to demonstrate , lean meat.
5 • You have to retire each day where no one can bother you, at least for half an hour, sit as comfortably as possible with your eyes half closed and think of nothing. This strengthens strongly the brain and the Spirit and puts you in contact with good influences . In this state of meditation and silence,  bright ideas tend to occur  , capable of changing an entire existence. Eventually all the problems that arise will be resolved victoriously by an inner voice guiding you in these moments of silence, alone with your conscience. That is the daimon of Socrates speaking.
6 • You maintain absolute silence of all your personal affairs. Abstain, as if you’ve made a solemn oath, to relate to others, even your most intimate, whatever you think, hear, know, learn, suspect or discover. for a long time at least you should be as a walled house or a sealed garden. It is a rule of utmost importance.
7 • Never fear men or inspire you fright the DAY of tomorrow. Keep your mind sharp and clean and you will do well. You never feel alone or weak, because there are powerful armies behind you, which you cannot  conceive even in dreams.If you raise your spirit there is no evil that can touch you. The only enemy you should fear is yourself. The fear and distrust in the future are dire mothers of all failures, they attract bad influences and with it disaster. If you study carefully  people of good luck, you’ll see that intuitively they follow a great part of the rules above. Many of those who achieve richness, it is very true  that they are not quite good people, inthe strict sense, but have many virtues mentioned above. Moreover, wealth is not synonymous of happiness, it may be one factor that leads to it becuse of the power  that gives to exercise great and noble work, but more lasting happiness can only be achieved in other ways; There where the old Satan of the legend neverreigns , whose real name is selfishness. Never complain about anything, dominate your senses, flee both humility and vanity. The humility takes strength from you and vanity is so harmful that it is like saying: a mortal sin against the Holy Spirit.
Paracelso, pseudônimo de Phillipus Aureolus Theophrastus Bombastus von Hohenheim, (Einsiedeln, 17 de dezembro de 1493 — Salzburgo, 24 de setembro de 1541) foi um famoso médico, alquimista, físico e astrólogo suíço.
#paracelsus #paracelso

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